Starling 2025 Legislative Priorities

Make sure no one with disabilities is stuck waiting for the services they need to survive.

Hundreds of Missouri’s children and adults with disabilities are on a waitlist for services that support them to live, go to school, and work in the community.This is bad for people with disabilities, bad for families, and bad for the economy.

Increase Community Providers’ Capacity to Serve People with IDD.

Local organizations supporting Missourians with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) want to increase their capacity to serve more individuals. 

40,000+ Missourians with IDD rely on local providers to support them to live their lives. Each point along the service-continuum must be strong and fully funded to continue to meet the needs of individuals and their families.

Stand up for DSPs to earn the wages necessary to recruit and retain quality staff.

Direct Support Professionals are highly-skilled healthcare workers who support people with disabilities by providing medical care, transportation, behavioral support, compassionate assistance with personal daily routines, and more.

The state-funded rates in Missouri only provide $17/hour for DSPs, however a 2021 actuarial rate study indicates $21/hour is the market-wage for DSPs.

People with disabilities are valuable members of Missouri’s workforce.

As an Employment First state, people with disabilities’ first option must be competitive, integrated employment in the community for fair wages.

Services for Missourians with IDD are paid for through local, county, state, and federal funding.

Continue utilizing all available funding streams for IDD services, and support Developmental Disabilities County Boards to fund community-based programs.